Friday, August 10, 2007

canadian dream: what a stupid scene.

so here i am in Canada. yay! its fun. i'm seeing all this great stuff. my parents are making me mental. i can't remember the last time i spent this much time with them. we got into this huge discussion about me and bass guitar lessons. it wasn't pretty. my ipod is keeping me stable. i went swimming lots. Canada knows what hot is though it is slightly cooler here. :D i love Canadian BOYS! i went on a whale watxh and saw some whales, seals, puffins, and porpoises.

now that i am miles away. i have a feeling that you don't mind me faraway and talking on the phone with me bugs you. maybe we should re-consider everything and you re-pick the free puppies on the street corner and return me to the cardboard box. if i am sounding mental to you, it isn't about you really. >.<

so today i'm doing some cave exploration. should be freaking awesome.

so i had a dream that one of my friends died and had a funeral and no one called me to tell me about it. if this happens so help me god i will mourn for my dead friend and hate the living ones.

i miss those who only miss me <3


Gina said...

Whoa, scary dream.

Oooh, freaking awesome caves!!! I want one!!!

Caitlin said...

they were AWESOME! they can nly be accessed when the tide is out.