Wednesday, November 21, 2007

hateful holidays.

don't call me with a kiss when the ball drops.
i hope you choke on your christmas cookies and
burn the those hallmark cards your fireplace,
when the snow's coming down,coming down fast.
i hope you get coal in your stocking.
happy new years baby. i hope it's filled with more lies
than the past year. send the record through the roof.
i hope your tree catches on fire and leaves you loveless.
i hope that strangle yourself in lights, and the radio
plays the same songs every night.
i hope you get frostbit and your fingers fall off.
i hope someone ices the sidewalks by your house and
hot chocolate burns your tongue.
merryless christmas.
i hope you run over to the mall to get your photo taken
with the red man, and he refuses to see you because
you're not worth it.
you're slut and santa knows. ho. he knows. ho.
so this is why i am taking my time and
wishing you hateful holiday.

1 comment:

Maria said...


"i hope that strangle yourself in lights, and the radio
plays the same songs every night."
>:D Muahahahahaha!